He Picked Up Huskies From Daycare And Filmed Their Reaction, Now The Internet Is In Love

Most pups love an afternoon at doggy daycare. After all, what’s better than playing with your canine friends and getting loving attention from the playful staff?

But even if man’s best friend loves to socialize during the day…going home at night is even better.

When this man picked up his two huskies from their daycare, he set up a dash cam to capture their reaction.

Source: Rumble Viral/YouTube

He knew his boys would be overjoyed to be going home, so he had to film their excitement (and you’ll be glad he did).

Source: Rumble Viral/YouTube

As soon as he opened his car’s hatchback, you could hear how happy the two Siberian Huskies were to be going anywhere with dad!

Source: Rumble Viral/YouTube

The two loving pups were “talking” and yipping the entire time, obviously thrilled to be heading home with their favorite person in the whole-wide-world.

Once he sat down in the car, they couldn’t stop giving him kisses (thankfully, they knew to take turns and didn’t get in the way of his driving).

It’s a good thing the boys were safely secured by their leashes in the back seat. They were so pumped to be with their human, they would have both sat in his lap if they could fit!

These are the kinds of reactions that remind you why we say that dogs are man’s best friend. Their unconditional love, even in an everyday situation like this, is inspiring.

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