14 Reasons Basset Hounds Are The Worst Breed EVER

1. Their ears collect more dirt than you think is possible.

2. They have a tendency to howl early in the morning when you least expect it.

3. They will always be suspicious of you, no matter what.

4. They can interrupt your video game time.

5. Gravity always gets them down.

6. They view the “come” signal as a request that can be ignored, even if treats are involved.

7. They hate having their nails clipped.

8. All Basset Hounds are notorious food stealers.

9. They’re known to destroy… plants.

10. They know how effective those sad eyes can be to manipulate their owners.

11. They sometimes prefer the sofa to a long walk.

12. They’ll take your stuff without asking.

13. Nothing is scarier than a basset hound running.

14. Whatever you do don’t get a Basset Hound. Horrendous dogs!!!

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