A condor lands in front of the man – watch as he thanks the man who saved him

Animals show their appreciation and gratitude with lots of kisses, tail wagging and wings flapping, if you help them when they are in need. This condor is about to show everyone his appreciation.

The best part is when you are lucky enough to get your camera out and film the act as it happens.

Della Gaspera, Argentina lives on a ranch and is very familiar with animals and birds. One day, when he was operating the property he noticed a bird that was visibly wounded. When he looked closer he realized it was a condor. The bird had somehow fallen out of his nest and damaged its leg.

Della didn’t wait. He quickly provided it with the proper care and nourishment. And he never ceased thinking that it would eventually recover. The man knew the condor would get it’s strength back and be able to fly and be free again.

Even though it’s unusual for a man and a fowl to become friends, that’s precisely what took place. Della would have never thought in a million years that he would rescue a condor one day.  Or that the bird would show an amazing way of thanking him for his help.

Luckily, there was someone that caught the entire thing on video and shared it to Facebook.  As people found the video of the ‘condor cuddle’ it quickly went viral.

The fortunate man got to be ‘kissed’ and ‘cuddled’ by this huge condor. We are so jealous…you just don’t see this every day.


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