Dog Loses Her Babies And Is Inconsolable, Meets 6 Orphaned Puppies That Were Dumped On Road

Losing one’s children can be a very traumatic experience, not just for humans, but for dogs too. That is exactly what this dog-mama was going through until rescuers stepped in and saved the day.

Facebook/Westie & Scottie Rescue Houston

Blossom, a 3-year-old dog, was already pregnant when she was surrendered by her owners to a shelter called Westie & Scottie Rescue Houston in Texas. That is where they found out that Blossom had advanced heartworm disease. But the vet couldn’t begin her treatment until after she had given birth and finished nursing her newborn pups.

So they waited for Blossom to give birth, and she finally did. She gave birth to three puppies, who were named Begonia, Bluebell, and Buttercup. Sadly, Begonia and Bluebell passed away in a few days due to an infection. Only Buttercup survived.

Facebook/Westie & Scottie Rescue Houston

Blossom was devastated. She became frantic and no one could console her. Something had to be done quickly before Blossom drowned in a well of sorrow.

Maggie Escriva, the intake coordinator at the shelter who was fostering Blossom, heard of another newborn litter that had been dumped on the roadside and rescued by the shelter. Out of the eight dumped pups, only six had survived.

Since these puppies were without a mother to nurse them, Maggie thought this was fate, and decided to introduce the pups to Blossom. She feared whether Maggie would accept the pups.

Facebook/Westie & Scottie Rescue Houston

To everyone’s delight, not only did Blossom accept the pups, she immediately began cleaning them and nursing them. The hole left behind from losing her own pups was now being filling by these new pups. Mothers of every species are so amazing!

Thanks to Blossom’s selflessness, all the pups grew up strong and found forever homes. The shelter got Blossom successfully treated for her heartworm disease and is now working on getting her adopted too! How wonderful!

Check out the video below to watch Maggie meeting the abandoned new pups for the first time.

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