Dog Pleads With Dad To Keep Playing, “Needs Some Cheese To Go With Her Whine”

Dogs can be really smart and funny when they want something from their human. That’s exactly the case of Lexi the Boxer –and her need to play with her family.

If you’ve ever heard a child whine because he or she doesn’t want to stop playing, Lexi is about to give them some competition. She whines and whines until she gets her way.

Source: Joseph Bourne/YouTube

Her dad posted the most hysterical video of his pooch on YouTube with the caption, “Lexi needs some cheese to go with this whine.”

When you hear the dog and her pitiful pleas, or is that “pleeeeeeeease,” you will understand what we mean.

Source: Joseph Bourne/YouTube

Lexi has begging down to an art. She puts her cute little chin on her dad’s chair and keeps moaning and groaning because no one will play.

As you watch the video below, be sure to turn up your volume. We understand why her dad said she whines because this darling doggo knows how to get what she wants!

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