Crews Run Into Burning Home To Find Bunny, Mama Dog & Litter Of Pups In Peril

We often hear stories of firefighters running into burning buildings and rescuing whoever is inside, but the victims aren’t always humans.

When an apartment in For Lauderdale, Florida, caught fire. Firefighters from Fort Lauderdale Fire Rescue quickly arrived on the scene.


Everyone got out safely on their own except for a baby bunny, a mother dog and her litter of puppies who were still inside the blazing building.

Without hesitation, the firefighters ran into the apartment and safely removed the bunny and dogs.


The Fire Rescue team posted a photo to Twitter that shows five firefighters each holding one of the pets they rescued together.

The fire was later identified as a kitchen fire, and firefighters were successfully able to contain the blaze. Thankfully, no injuries were reported, and all of the pets are doing fine.

Luckily, this story has a happy ending, which could have been much different if rescue crews weren’t as quick as they were. If you have pets, it’s always important to let rescuers know as soon as they arrive.

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