All-White Siberian Husky Puppy Was Set For Euthanasia Right After Birth

A rare, all-white Siberian Husky puppy was born with swimming-puppy syndrome, and the breeder wouldn’t be able to care for him.

The pup also wouldn’t be able to be sold in this condition, so he was put up for euthanasia right after being born.

Thankfully, some Good Samaritans would see the pup’s true worth in life and offer up a second chance.

Source: PAWsitive/YouTube

There was no way to even be sure if Casper would make it through the night, but they had to remain hopeful. And they woke the next morning to the happiest face ever!

Every day, the little guy would show some improvement and get a little better.

Source: PAWsitive/YouTube

On day five, Casper would walk for the first time without wraps. And by day 23, he was running up and down steps!

The Husky pup is now in his loving forever home living just like a normal dog. It just shows you should never give up on a life. 🙂

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