Chained Up For 8 Years, Spider Monkey Gets 1st Taste Of Freedom After Rescue

Rescue stories are my favorite because they give me hope that there are still people out there the animals can count on. This is that kind of story about a monkey who managed to get a better life.

After eight years of living with a collar attached to a metal chain and being abused in different ways as a stressed circus animal, Pepe the spider monkey finally was free! He had to be handled quite carefully at first by the humans, because he had no idea how to be held. But because he was incredibly lonely, he latched on to the rescuers like they were his lifeline. He intrinsically knew they wouldn’t hurt him.

Circus life is tough on the animals and it took awhile before Pepe learned that if he made a mistake, he would not be punished by his rescuers. Eventually, he adjusted to his new way of life. But he was still lonely. His rescuers knew he needed another spider monkey to bond with. His rescuers sought for that special someone for Pepe and finally, wildlife officials in Peru uncovered spider monkeys being used for entertainment at a restaurant.

The creatures were saved and one was a female! She was gorgeous, kind and a potentially good match for Pepe. When Valerie arrived at the rescue center, she and Pepe were kept apart initially so that she could adjust to her new surroundings and he could learn how to be around another monkey just like him. The moment they put the two creatures side-by-side, it quickly became clear that the match was perfect. See Pepe the spider monkey adjust to his new life of freedom in the video below – and watch his sadness turn to joy right before your eyes!

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