Cop Demoted After He Dumps Retired Police Dog At Animal Shelter

A police officer in Jackson, Mississippi has been demoted after authorities discovered he dumped his police K9 at the animal shelter. JPD Detective Carl Ellis received the demotion and has been reassigned to patrol duty because he dumped the dog at the shelter. Sadly, the dog served with Ellis for close to a decade.

Source: Law Enforcement Today

The man who trained K9 Ringo is appalled. Randy Hare of the Alpha Canine Training Center told WLKY the officers are supposed to care for the dog after retiring him/her from the department. Sadly, Hare also reports that what happens to these dogs is not uncommon.

“A lot of times they’re treated like equipment, and when they’re treated like equipment, sometimes they’re disposed of like equipment,” Hare told WLKY.

Source: WLKY

When Hare learned of K9 Ringo’s status at the animal shelter, he immediately adopted him. A statement given to the Clarion-Ledger from the police department reveals, “They are family, and we do not feel they deserve anything less than a loving home in retirement.”

The agency will now draft a policy that lists the specific requirements of retired police canines and their welfare. When WLKY reached out to Detective Ellis, they were told he was out of town and the Chief needed to approve any interviews.

Source: Law Enforcement Today

We are grateful K9 Ringo was adopted by someone who will give him a life of love and happiness.

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