How This Dog Reacted To Local Mailmen Had Mom In Stitches, So She Had To Record It

As it turns out, the age-old stereotype about dogs hating mailmen isn’t exactly true.

Take this fluffy bundle of love, for instance. She doesn’t hate mailmen…in fact, she is in love with them.

Source: Caters Clips / YouTube

Pippin is a friendly 6-year-old Golden Retriever. She has always been a pup that loved to be around people, but what she has been doing recently shocked her mom.

Source: Caters Clips / YouTube

The family started noticing that, every single day, Pippin would wait eagerly for the mail carriers to come by the house.

Instead of barking when they dropped off parcels, though, this loving girl would do whatever it takes to get near them for some affection!

Source: Caters Clips / YouTube

When a mail carrier or delivery driver approached the house, Pippin was out the door to greet them. They gave her pats on the head, friendly cuddles, and rides around the block.

Some will leave treats for her on the porch (even if they don’t have anything to deliver).

Source: Caters Clips / YouTube

It’s so sweet to see the delivery people treat Pippin with such affection. Not only that, but she’s even helped some of the mail carriers overcome their fears!

One FedEx driver that was so wary of dogs, he wouldn’t bring packages to the front porch. But, over time, Pippin’s unconditional love taught him that not all dogs are territorial. Some are just incredibly affectionate!

Pippin truly is a good girl!

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