11 Ways Dogs Tell You They Love You

4. When a dog can’t wait to see you walk through the door, and smothers you with attention, it means he really misses you.

My younger brother and his newly adopted buddy

5. If you catch your dog looking at you quietly before you leave him alone or ignoring you, it’s because they are relaxed and trust you to return.

I wake up to this every morning, makes going to work difficult

Usually, if a dog panics when you leave it’s separation anxiety, something heartbreaking for dog owners, who often read it as meaning their dog loves you. Of course he does, but this form of anxiety can lead to destructive behavior in the home.

If a dog is quiet and calm when you leave, it doesn’t mean he loves you any less. In fact, it’s very positive. Gregory Berns explains that it means your dog trusts you will come back.

6. Dogs use their eyes and their body language to tell you if they trust you and tell you what they are feeling.

Dogs have subtle facial signals if they like something. A study in Japan revealed that when dogs saw their humans, they lifted their eyebrows (especially the left one), but if they saw a stranger, they didn’t tend to react at all, or if they did, they just arched their right eyebrow. The study found dogs did the same subtle signally with toys they liked or didn’t like, shifting their left ear back if they liked the toy, and shifting the right ear if they didn’t like the toy.

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