11 Ways Dogs Tell You They Love You

10. If dogs sits on your feet, they’re being protective of you.

Yeah…. I'm just gonna sit right here.

If a dog sits on your foot it’s a little bit like he’s marking you. Jennifer Brent, from the non-profit animal welfare advocacy group Found Animals told Woman’s Day, “It’s not just that he wants to be close to you, he’s saying, ‘This is mine; now it smells like me, don’t go near it.’ He does this for three main reasons: to feel secure about his place in your life, to warn other dogs that you are spoken for and because he wants to protect you.”

11. Your dog will want to comfort you when you are upset.

There, there human

Dogs are sensitive to our moods. A study revealed dogs truly do respond to human tears and will respond to human tears and will naturally try and reassure you if you are distressed. They may get close to you, put a paw on you or try to nuzzle you when you are upset.

Are there signs your dogs makes that tell you that they love you?

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