Terrified Dog Found Alive After He Sought Refuge In An Oven During Greece Wildfires

Last month, deadly wildfires soared across Greece, killing at least 91 people in its path. Along with people, the fires sadly killed many animals and pets as well.

But one dog, a white Poodle mix, was lucky enough to be found alive after seeking refuge in an oven of a burned down home in the Mati area.

Facebook/Artemis Kyriakopoulou

The dog was discovered by Artemis Kyriakopoulou, an animal rescuer who was searching for pets left behind in the fires. As she got closer to the exposed brick oven, she saw a shadowy figure and quickly realized that it was a pup who was still alive.

The dog was in pain and his body and fur were extremely burnt. Kyriakopoulou couldn’t help but cry when she saw him.

Facebook/Artemis Kyriakopoulou

“Of course, I thank God for giving him one more chance because he was really lucky I found him,” she told The Dodo. “It was by accident actually.”

Eventually, she managed to get the nervous pup out and after 2.5 hours, was also able to catch his brother who was nearby. With the help of Vets4Life, they transferred the dogs to the animal clinic.

Facebook/Artemis Kyriakopoulou

It’s unknown whether this dog was left behind by family who evacuated, or if he was just a stray seeking refuge in a random home, but his mangled coat suggested the latter.

At the clinic, he was given food and a much-needed grooming and bath. He now looks like a totally different dog! He is doing well and the burns that covered his body have almost completely subsided.

Facebook/Artemis Kyriakopoulou

He has been living with a foster, Diana Topali, who has been taking great care of him and showering him with endless love.

The dog was recently adopted but brought back the next day because the family said he was too scared of everything. He is now searching for a forever home with a family who understands that he is still in shock from the wildfires and needs time to settle into a new home.

He is such a loveable pup so we have no doubt that he will find the perfect forever home!

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