What Your Dog’s Sleeping Position Reveals About Their Personality, Health and Character

If there’s one thing every good dog owner knows, it’s the complex personalities and expressions of their beloved pups. From a tail wag to a simple whine, owners know their precious pooches inside and out.

We already know that there are some very specific ways our dogs tell us they love us, but there are additional physical cues that we can explore to understand more about our dogs’ personalities and habits.

In this exclusive guide, we look at some of the most common sleeping positions that dogs everywhere choose to adopt.

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Very interestingly, “outdoor” and “indoor” pups assume very different sleeping positions. In addition, every dog will choose to rest in a different position that will allow them to do many things, from conserving body heat to jumping quickly into action.

Move on to the next page to read about all the unique sleeping positions that dogs can have and the adorable secrets they reveal about your beloved dog.

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