Multiple Dogs Dead After Eating Toxic Death Cap Mushrooms

Authorities are warning dog owners living on the central coast of California that a highly toxic batch of poisonous mushrooms is cropping up all over the area– including the Lake Lopez section. One of the dogs affected by this tragedy is Brode, a 10-year-old Patterdale Terrier.

Brode’s owners, Sara and Mike Maddux, say the energetic dog ate a death cap mushroom several days ago.

Source: YouTube

“I came home, and he was seizing and shaking uncontrollably,” Mike Maddux told KSBY News.

According to David Dorman, a North Carolina State University toxicology expert, healthy dogs progress to clinically sick and then die within 24 to 48 hours of eating the deadly mushrooms.

Source: YouTube

Sadly, the Maddux family’s twin Great Pyrenees pups died two months earlier. They believe death cap mushrooms are also to blame. Seven other families in the area report the same tragedy.

Source: YouTube

The rainy weather in the region is good for the fire season. The heavy rainfall, however, causes these mushrooms to flourish. As the busy camping season in the area begins, Maddux warned park rangers and dog owners of this deadly problem.

View the recap in the news video below.

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