Man Out For Walk Demands Answers After His Dog Is Electrocuted On Manhole Cover

Jeff Fines was out walking his dog, Earl, in Chicago when a terrifying incident occurred. As the dog walked over a manhole cover in the city, he was violently shocked.

“In a split second he was spread eagle, all the way down, belly partly on the manhole cover, completely on the ground screaming,” Fines shared. “I have never heard him scream like that.”

Source: Local 21 News

When Fines reached down to grab his suffering pup, he could literally feel electricity running through his own body. It was at this moment he understo0d what happened to Earl.

Fines says his dog is okay now but he has some burn marks on his stomach and a blister on his paw. Sadly, it isn’t the first time this happened. A dog had the same thing happen a year ago when he put his bare paws on an electrified manhole cover.

Source: Local 21 News

“When the current went through my body, I’m like 190 pounds, a very healthy guy, my body can handle that. Imagine it’s a child, someone who’s elderly, someone who’s frail, who can’t handle it,” Fines stated. “It could’ve been far worse.”

The dog is recovering but Fines wants answers. He called 311, spoke to the police and also the alderman’s office. He wants this to stop and for electrical companies and contractors to be aware of the harm they are posing to kids and pets.

As of this writing, the Chicago Department of Transportation has not responded. More about this incident can be seen in the video here.

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