Great Dane Freaks Out Over Baby Goose, Hilarious Encounter Has Mom Cracking Up

A baby goose and his new Great Dane bestie have taken the Internet by storm. Great Danes are beautiful gentle giants. Baby geese are some of the cutest critters on the planet.

When you introduce a baby animal to a giant creature, you just never know what the reaction is going to be. Hugo the Great Dane is about to find out what happens when he meets a sweet baby goose.


Hugo’s owners make the introduction by first allowing the baby goose to walk around in a small bucket. Hugo’s senses are in overdrive, and he “knows” something is in there.

He nudges up closely but look out, the slightest movement by the bird and Hugo is a scaredy cat!


He backs up, looks from a distance, but then his mom makes a beak to snout introduction. The doggo is definitely curious but also a bit apprehensive.

What is this feathered thing??? The pooch must be thinking.

This baby goose, known as a gosling, gets up close and personal with Hugo, but you can tell the pup is still leery of this critter.


Watch the cuteness overload in the video below!

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