Dog Dies A Slow Death After Heartless Owner Refuses To Feed Him A Single Meal

Craven County Sheriff’s Office received a complaint about a puppy being found dead in a North Carolina home.

When they went in to investigate, they were distressed to find a black skinny German Shepherd puppy lying dead on the floor.


Source: jade/Morguefile


Further investigations around the puppy’s death revealed the cause of death to be extreme starvation.

On top of that, the dog hadn’t been vaccinated for rabies as well, leaving him exposed to a multitude of threats.

67-year-old man Eddie Bryant is alleged to be the hard-hearted owner who caused the puppy to die in such a deplorable manner.

The police are on the lookout for Eddie and request the public to share any information they have about his whereabouts.


Source: Craven County Sheriff’s Office/Facebook


Update: The police have arrested Eddie and charged him with felony offence of killing an animal by starvation and failure to get his pet dog vaccinated for rabies.

We hope Eddie receives a strict sentence fitting to his cruel act. Our hearts go out to the poor German Shepherd pup who died such a disgraceful, painful and slow death.

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