If You Can Spot The Animal In This Picture, You’re Part Of The 1%

Optical illusions create images that can be deceptive or misleading to our brains using different colors, light and patterns. When you look at an optical illusion, the information taken in by your eyes is processed by the brain, which creates a perception that does not always match the true image.

The National Eye Institute says it best: “Optical illusions teach us how our eyes and brain work together to see. You live in a three-dimensional world, so your brain gets clues about depth, shading, lighting, and position to help you interpret what you see. But when you look at a two-dimensional image, your brain can be fooled because it doesn’t get the same clues.”

Take a look at the picture below. Can you see the image within the picture? Or does it just look like a bunch of black and white zig-zag lines to you? If you can’t see the image just by looking at it, try squinting your eyes.




If you’re still unable to see the animal in the image, try looking at the shrunken image below:




Do you see it now? It’s a Panda!

Below is another popular animal illusion.

What do you see: a rabbit or a duck?


Wikimedia Commons via Independant


If you see a duck, you can also think of the duck’s beak as rabbit ears. And if you see a rabbit, you can think of the rabbit’s ears as the beak of the duck.

This famous illusion was first sketched more than 100 years ago and was first used by American psychologist Joseph Jastrow in 1899 to make the point that perception s not only what one sees but also a mental activity.

Some people see a rabbit, others see a duck, and others can see both. What you see and how fast you see it could indicate how quickly your brain works. They also say the quicker you are able to see both animals back and forth, the more creative you are.


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