Imprisoned In Cramped Cage For 2-Years, His Body Grew Deformed From Hunching Over

Landis the Pit Bull’s previous ‘owners’ didn’t allow him to ever come out of his cage.

For two years, Landis was confined to a cage that was way too small for him, causing him to hunch over to fit in it. Being hunched over for so long made his body dwarfed and deformed since he was unable to grow properly.

Second Chance Rescue NYC Dogs/Facebook

A shelter in Georgia broke Landis out of his cage and helped him say goodbye to his life of misery – the only life he ever knew.

They rushed him to an animal hospital for him to be evaluated, hoping there was something that could be done for his hunched body and flat feet.


Landis remained at the shelter while he received great care. Although shelters can be stressful environments for many dogs, it was paradise for Landis compared to his prior torturous life.

The shelter then contacted Second Chance Rescue in New York City for further assistance, and they agreed to take him in.

Second Chance Rescue NYC Dogs/Facebook

Landis received medical treatment and went through a lot of physical therapy and hydrotherapy in order to help straighten out his body.

Despite everything he has gone through, Landis was still very sweet and loved receiving attention and love from everyone he met.

Second Chance Rescue NYC Dogs/Facebook

And the best news? He found a forever home with a loving family near Cape Cod in Massachusetts.

He is minutes from the beach, where he gets to run on the sand, which is great for his legs. He also has a fenced-in backyard that he gets to play in with his two rescue siblings.

Watch his journey in the video below:

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Gargoyle Dog Was Left To Die, But Then His Heroes Stepped Up

Landon the 'Gargoyle' dog was in bad shape until these beautiful people came along ❤️

Posted by InspireMore on Monday, October 22, 2018

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