Cop Rescues Puppy Being Strangled By Owner, Arrests Owner & Adopts Puppy Himself

Officer Joshua Weskamp immediately responded when he received a call about a puppy being strangled on a street in Fresno, California.

When he arrived at the scene, the vicious owner had already beaten up the 5-month-old puppy and tossed him 15 feet up in the air while aiming toward a garbage truck.

Source: Mona Ahmed/Facebook | Patsy Stebens/Facebook

Officer Joshua was disgusted to see the heartless actions of the abusive owner, who was a homeless man. He immediately called the SPCA officers to rescue the puppy and launched an animal cruelty investigation.

Meanwhile, he started visiting the SPCA in order to keep tabs on the recovering Labrador-Pit Bull mix puppy.

SPCA workers and local activists were amazed to see Officer Joshua’s immense dedication toward the abused puppy. The cop worked non-stop to arrest and punish the abusive owner.

But when he expressed his desire to adopt the puppy, he was denied because the puppy was supposed to be held as “evidence” for the case.

Source: Patsy Stebens/Facebook

After months of struggle, Joshua was finally able to adopt the beautiful brown puppy. He has named the puppy LEO, short for “Law Enforcement Officer”, and plans to give him the best life.

Stories like this reinstate our faith in humanity. A big thank you to this kind officer!

Click the video below to watch Officer Joshua and LEO’s happy reunion on adoption day!

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Posted by Patsy Stebens on Friday, January 31, 2020

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