This might be the funniest animal video compilation that we’ve ever seen!

If you missed this video, you are certainly in for a treat. This might be the best funny animal video compilation that we have ever seen on YouTube. Every species from Birds, Gorillas, Elephants and MANY more!

This was originally aired on BBC and you will absolutely love it! Every animal in the video gets a voice-over, and thanks to the BBC, they all have British accents, which makes them about five times funnier. The dialogue is absolutely hysterical. A few highlights:

  • A despondent gorilla pondering why he has no luck with women
  • A giraffe couple having an all-too-familiar argument when the husband is caught looking at another woman
  • The monkey dentist
  • And our favorite, the gopher who keeps calling for Alan… until the very end, when he realizes it’s not Alan, but Steve.

The video is a mix of best moments from BBC One’s Walk on the Wild Side, which features the voice-over talents of comedian Jason Manford and his friends. If you enjoy what he does with these animals, wait until you see this a cappella group of not-so-scary sharks perform their rendition of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody for tourists in a glass-bottom boat.

Every dog-lover and pet owner out there has wondered, at least once, what it would be like if their furry, scaly or feathery best friends could talk. This video gives you a glimpse of what that could be like!

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