Marine Refuses To Leave Loyal Stray Dog Behind In Iraq

Nubs is a dog born in Iraq. He met Maj. Brian Dennis in October 2007 and almost immediately a strong bond of friendship was formed between the pair.

Dennis says there were many stray dogs scavenging for food at the border fort he was stationed at. The dogs acted as unofficial guard dogs, sounding the alarm if strangers approached the fort.

As soon as Dennis met Nubs, the dog flipped over on his belly for a belly rub and began playing with him. Dennis said that his whole team bonded with the dog as soon as they met him.

Nubs got his nickname because he had his ears cut off, a practice used in dog fighting. One day, when Dennis was out on patrol, he discovered Nubs badly hurt.

Dennis was told Nubs had been stabbed by an Iraqi soldier who had gotten mad at the dog and jabbed him with a big screwdriver. Dennis took the wounded dog in and nursed him back to health.

A while later, Dennis was assigned to a new fort, around 75 miles away. U.S. Marines and soldiers aren’t allowed to keep pets, so when Dennis headed out, he thought he was saying “goodbye” to Nubs for good. Nubs chased after Dennis’ convoy until they rode out of sight.

Amazingly, a couple of days later, Dennis was inside the headquarters at the fort when a Marine ran in to tell him someone was outside to see him.

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