Dogs’ Paws Are Melting Off On Hot Pavements & Rocks, Please Be Alert This Summer


A dog named Olaf from Medical Lake, Washington, was out on a seemingly harmless walk with his owner.

The temperature outside wasn’t hot, but the rocks they were walking on had retained heat that went unnoticed by the owner.

Unfortunately, the rocks ended up causing severe burns on Olaf’s paw pads.


Source: Medical Lake Veterinary Hospital/Facebook


Even while being in extreme pain, the sweet Olaf didn’t cause any commotion. This misled his otherwise vigilant owner into thinking nothing was wrong.

By the time Olaf’s owner noticed his bleeding paws, severe damage was already done. Olaf’s paw-pads had melted away and the raw muscles beneath were showing.

The vet tended to his wounds and bandaged it up, but it is likely that he will have some permanent scarring.

Veterinarians claim that cases like Olaf’s are common during the summer due to the lack of awareness among pet-parents.

Olaf’s loving owner has also come forward to express regret and plead dog-owners to be extra-vigilant while taking their furry buddies out for walks.


Source: Medical Lake Veterinary Hospital/Facebook


Since dogs’ paws are highly sensitive, owners must always check the temperature of the pavement with the back of their hands before every walk in summer. Although doggy socks and shoes are an option, many dogs hate to use them.

Doctors also recommend early morning or evening walks, preferably on non-concrete surfaces like grass. Let’s spread this useful information and help save the dogs out there.

Check out the video below to watch Olaf’s story and the related precautions that could save a dog’s life in the summer heat.

WARNING: The contents of this video may be disturbing to some viewers.

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