Family Abandons Pit Bull In A Fire…Does He Still Have Love In His Heart?

If you are someone who believes that only humans have souls, the story of Popeye the Pit Bull might just change your mind.

When Popeye’s family’s California home burned to the ground, it was a miracle that everyone survived. However, not everyone actually escaped. Popeye was abandoned by his family and left in the wreckage for dead, as they moved into a new home.

When Eldad Hagar and his amazing team at Hope For Paws got the call about the sweet chestnut-colored Pit Bull with kind eyes, they expected the dog to put up a little bit of a fight. Unlike most strays, Popeye did not feel threatened by his human rescuers. Instead of being cajoled into a trap, Popeye approached his rescuers with a big smile on his face and a wagging tail.

Now, Popeye is looking for a new home through adoption agency, It’s The Pits. There is still a lot of negative stereotypes surrounding Pit Bulls, but hopefully this video of friendly and loyal Popeye will help change people’s minds. Pit Bulls are big sweethearts, not big bullies and they need love and affection just like you and I do.

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