Police Create Dispensers Around Town For Stray Animals – They Deserve Respect

Stray dogs around the world live in difficult situations. They suffer from starvation, dehydration and food poisoning on a regular basis. But a new initiative in the town of Tacna, Peru could change this for good.

One of the biggest problems with rescuing stray dogs is that there are just so many of them.

Source: Dog Bites

In America alone, there are over 70 million stray animals on the streets.

This is a colossal number that even the most advanced nation in the world can’t keep up with.

So is there a solution?

Despite being much poorer than the US, Peru might pose the answer to improving the conditions of stray dogs.

One town in the country has seen a revolution in its treatment of stray animals. The solution wasn’t even expensive.

Tacna has a very high population of strays. The problem was getting so bad that the animals struggled to find any food or water.

Many dogs were getting injured just by trying to find any scraps of food

Three police stations in Tacna decided to do something about it.

Outside of the police stations, officers built and installed special dispensers just for the stray animals.

Source: #Trending Media/YouTube

They look like long thin tubes. At the end, they dispense food and water.

And the dispensers are working. Every day, stray dogs walk up to the dispensers and receive their fill of food and water. Now they can access adequate nutrition without putting their lives in danger!

Of course, it would be even better if all of these dogs were rescued and had homes. But sadly, that isn’t a viable option.

Source: Global Giving

Instead, innovative solutions, such as these dispenser tubes, need to be put into place all around the world.

Unfortunately, not all of the places in Peru are as progressive with their stray animal management.

Some municipalities have turned to culling their stray dogs in an attempt to control them.

This is clearly an inhumane thing to do. But luckily, places like Tacna and charity groups in the country show that there are other ways to manage stray dogs.

Source: Wikipedia

Another solution that some Peruvian non-profits turn to in managing their stray populations is spaying and neutering the animals.

This relatively inexpensive surgery ensures that the stray dogs are not able to breed, controlling the population without resorting to murdering dogs.

And the non-profits can be very proactive in undertaking this duty.

Some have even created mobile clinics in vans that drive to areas where there is a large overpopulation of stray dogs. When the clinic on wheels arrives, the volunteers are able to perform many spayings and neuterings, ensuring that the population should shrink in the future.

Source: Wikipedia

And there is good news when it comes to the future of stray dogs in Peru.

Thanks to the increasing tourism and information being made available to citizens of the country, attitudes towards strays are improving.

Whereas once, stray dogs were considered vermin, they are increasingly being seen as unfortunate victims that need help.

Source: Wikipedia

And this shift in perception is thanks to the internet and tourists stating their views.

Peru has even recently created its first laws that protect animals.

In 2015, the country’s government created the Animal Protection and Welfare Law.

Since the passing of that law, people in the country can be found guilty of harming animals and be sentenced to up to five years in prison for breaking that law.

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