Her Dog Is Stolen And She’s Beyond Devastated… Watch Their Happy Reunion!

Can you imagine how horrifying it could be to have your dog stolen?! and how terrifying it could be for the dog?!

Well, this is exactly what happened to Lola. A string of burglaries rocked a neighborhood in the UK and in the thick of it, Lola, an adorable, beloved Pug, went missing. She was stolen by the burglars. How horrible!

But very fortunately, she was found by the local police and was reunited with her human.

Lola's reaction says it all! Aren't dogs the best? The very happy owner said, “As soon as I saw her, her little tail went into overdrive and I instantly knew it was her.”

Check out the video on the next page to see Lola the pug’s (and the owner’s) priceless reaction!

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