Ignored Old Street Dog With Gaping Wound Is Touched By A Loving Hand

The story below shows actual injuries but we PROMISE it ends happily!

This poor fellow, who had been passed by hundreds of times by uncaring strangers, lay helpless in the street. His injuries were so severe that he’d eventually succumb to infection or starvation.

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited/Youtube

As the traffic noisily zoomed by, he wonders if anyone will ever care enough to stop and help him. Thankfully, Animal Aid comes to the rescue.

With food in hand, they approach the old boy. They pet him and give him something to eat. It is obvious he’s too weak to stand.

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited/Youtube

His injuries are necrotic and bugs buzz around the gaping wound. The rescuer tries to shoo them away as another one comes from behind with a blanket ready to scoop him up.

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited/Youtube

They carry him off and head to the Animal Aid sanctuary. The dog is given IV fluids and pain medication. Next, they have to sedate him to properly clean his ear. This is when they realize it has to be removed. His infection is too deep.

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited/Youtube

The vet puts him under anesthesia and skillfully removes only what is needed. The old dog is in no pain. When he wakes up, he already feels better. The necrotic tissue is gone.

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited/Youtube

For 5 weeks, the dog now named Bhaloo, gets new bandages and extra love. His transformation is amazing! He’s such a happy, grateful boy.

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited/Youtube

The best part about Animal Aid is that each dog they save gets to stay at the sanctuary for the rest of their lives.

They’re in a poverty-stricken part of India and adopting old street dogs with injuries like Bhaloo just doesn’t happen.

But that’s okay. He’s loved right where he is and has a ton of friends to play with!

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited/Youtube

We are so grateful for Animal Aid and all they do. Please take the time to watch Bhaloo’s rescue in the video below.

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