10+ dogs who have fallen in love with their little humans

6. “He’s so cuuuuuuute. I mean, just look at him there, sleeping so peacefully. Could there be a better sight in this world?”


7. “I know I had my doubts, but now that I’m snuggled in, I have to admit: This thing is actually kinda comfy. I might just have a life-long snuggle buddy right here.”


8. It’s really a win-win. The baby gets a comfy sleeping spot, and his canine companion gets a warm little heater to keep him cozy and comfortable. 


9. They’ve been like this for hours. Ye who disturbs them will incur the wrath of an angry pug and a crying baby. 


10. Wrinkles on wrinkles. What could be cuter than this? That’s one protective pup of his newborn sibling. What a good big brother!


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