10 Expensive Dogs Only Rich People Can Afford

German Shepherd

German Shepherds are dogs that aren't afraid to get their paws dirty. As their name implies they were bred to herd sheep.

Unlike many other dogs mentioned thus far, this breed doesn't have a very long history. Their origin only dates back to 1899.

However, because of their incredible intelligence, strength, and trainability, they are very popular. And not just as pets!

They're used for search and rescue, police work, disability assistance, and they're even in the military.

In World War II, they were used to deliver messages in addition to providing protection. Currently, they're used to scout situations and warn soldiers of danger.

Although these dogs can move quite nimbly for such large animals, when you're the criminal running from the police, these dogs might as well be cerberus.

But they're a lot more than brawn. These dogs have brains as well.

They rank third behind border collies and poodles as the most intelligent dog breed.

High quality German Shepherd puppies can sell for $3,000. But, if you want one pre-trained, that's going to be a bit extra… like, about $20,000 extra.

That's right! highly trained service dogs can cost about $23,000.

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