11 Bizarre And Hilarious Facts About Dogs!

3) Dogs have an exponentially stronger sense of smell than humans.

While you might think that you have an excellent sniffer, it is nothing… absolutely nothing… compared to that of a dog.

The average human nose has around 5 million cent receptors inside of it. This number sounds impressive enough but it is put in stark reality next to that of a dogs.

The average beagle has 225 million scent receptors in its nose and that isn’t even the strongest nose in the dog kingdom.

If you keep reading about these scent receptors you might need some fibromyalgia herbs, it can be quite exhausting to imagine being able to smell so much.

To put things in even simpler perspective the average dog can sense up to 100,000 better than the average human. Imagine if your kids could sense as well as your dogs, you would need some easy breakfast ideas for kids that smelled great!

Related: The 12 dog breeds with the best sense of smell

Dog's have an exponentially stronger sense of smell than humans

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