12 Reasons Why German Shepherds Are The Most Dangerous Pets. The Last One Is Horrible.

1. Prepare to find bits of random trees lying around your garden.

2. Once again you risk being arrested. Your garden will become a nest of ‘borrowed’ items.

3. They don’t dig holes. They dig trenches.

4. They are horrible at sharing the bed.

5. Even when they are sleeping they are just big bullies.

6. And the white ones are the scariest of the lot.

7. At Christmas time they are the worst. God forbid you had anybody over to see one of these monsters.

8. You are never safe from these monsters even in your own home.

9. They’ll take your stuff without asking.

10. And they’re absolutely terrible at snuggling.

11. They’ll also actively steal food from you!

12. Whatever you do don’t get a German Shepherd. Horrendous dogs!!!

Make sure to comment us with pictures of your German Shepherd and why they’re the most dangerous!

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