14 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Pugs

Deciding to add a pet to your family is a big decision! Make sure you've done your research on the pug breed to determine if a pug is the right fit for you. Pug Rescue of Austin is unique among other pug rescues in Texas in that we rescue both purebred pugs and pug mixes.

While you may have come across Pug Rescue of Austin in your search for a purebred pug, you might just discover that a pug mix would be a better fit for your lifestyle or your family. After all, pug mixes need rescuing too – and they’re pretty darn cute!

Here are some of the most common questions we receive about pugs and pug mixes.

1. Do Pugs really snore?

Yes! Almost every Pug snores. Some can even be loud enough that they are mistaken for a person snoring. Pugs also will snort, snuffle, wheeze, and grunt. To some, these sounds are sweet and cute, but to others they may be nerve-wracking.

2. Do Pugs shed alot?

Yes! Do they ever! Most Pugs have a double coat of fur where the undercoat constantly grows and pushes the overcoat out. This, coupled with their being indoor dogs that don't shed based on the season makes for a whole lot of shedding going on! Here's one unique technique that'll show you how to remove pug's hair without any tools or brushes.

3. Do a Pug's wrinkles require any special care?

A Pug's face wrinkles should be cleaned and checked regularly. If not, they can hold moisture and dirt which can cause the area to become raw, sore or even infected. To clean the pug's wrinkles, most Pugs simply need them wiped with a tissue. If you notice a foul odor coming from your Pug's face, or he/she seems to be bothered (rubbing their face on things or digging at their face), you will want to have your vet check it out.

4. Why can't Pugs stay outdoors?

Pugs cannot tolerate high heat and humidity. Dogs cool off by panting and their long tongues and noses give them more cooling area. Pugs have virtually no cooling area for their bodies, so they can (and will) literally over heat and die in less than 30 minutes outdoors in high heat and/or humidity. And by the way, NEVER leave him in the car in a warm/hot day! Here's Dr. Ernie Ward, a veterinarian who locked himself in a hot car to show what it’s like for a dog => https://www.waggingtonpost.com/veterinarian-locks-himself-in-hot-car-to-show-what-its-like-for-a-dog/ and here's an NFL Player who showed what it’s like to be a dog left in a hot car => https://www.waggingtonpost.com/tyrann-mathieu-hot-car-dog/

5. Does a male or a female Pug make the best pet?

All Pugs, whether they are male or female, will have different personalities. Some people will swear that male Pugs are more laid back and loving, while females are more independent and active. However, you will find just as many people who feel that the opposite is true and will tell you stories about their sweet, cuddly girl Pug and their boisterous boy. That is why it's important to spend time observing the Pug(s) that you are considering making part of your family and be sure to ask the owner/foster parent/rescue lots of questions.

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