14 Pugs That Love To Hug!

1. “Surprise hug!!!”

2. “Erm, this’d work a whole lot better if you’d meet me halfway.”

3. “Mum? Mum? Mummy?!… Hug please!”

4. “Hey, grumps! A pug hug will make it all better.”

5. “Stop grinning for the camera and just hug me, fool!”

6. “That horrid cat was nasty and rude, you have every right to be shaken up, Beth.”


7. “Wait your turn.”

8. “We were just hugging… promise.”


9. “No, actually, sometimes I’m the little spoon.”


10. Snug as a pug in a hug.


11. There’s not much that’s better than a pug hug pile.

12. “I told you I didn’t like scary movies!”

13. Except maybe this.

14. “Closer, closer, closer… right there! Yes, the perfect hugging distance.”


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