14 RAREST Cat Breeds In The World


Though cats are accepted in most cultures in the world, that doesn't mean they don't get their fair share of superstitions attached to them.

A black cat for example is viewed as bad luck, but also, there are good luck cats. One of them being the Korat.

But, why is the Korat considered to be so lucky?

Well, it's because of its rarity.

To the extent that during the 14th century they were a sign of status and honor among the Thai government. Some were even given away as gifts to foreigners as a symbol of good faith.

That's quite a gift, huh?

Fast forward to today, and the Korat is still extremely rare. Their blue coat of fur is often never seen in the wild or even in the home.

This is likely because of their more reserved nature.

They apparently don't like loud noises, which means a city would drive them nuts, and their noses are very sensitive to smell which would also rule out a city.

So hey, if you ever are fortunate enough to see a Korat, or lucky enough, regardless of the circumstance, you should go buy a lottery ticket because it may just be your lucky day.

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