15 Things Dogs Love the Most

Going For Walks Over Food

A study conducted in the UK aimed to identify the words and phrases that canines love to hear the most. The researchers monitored the dog's heart rate when their favorite phrases were mentioned.

Believe it or not, ‘walkies' scooped the top spot, with a dog's heart rate increasing by a whopping 36% every time they hear the word.

Other words that make our furry friends the happiest are ‘treat', ‘get it', and ‘fetch'.

Being overjoyed about going for a walk is almost universal among the canines. If you lace up your shoes, reach for that leash, or do anything that signals even the possibility that you are going for a walk, your dog is probably thrilled.

Dogs love walks because they fulfill that old, inbuilt survival instinct to go out and search for food. Dogs are pack animals. And while out walking, your canine is most likely going to meet other dogs.

This is a great opportunity to help your pup to seek out company of their own kind, sniff around, explore, and enjoy the places other dogs have been.

And remember… our dogs depend on us not only for food and shelter, but for relationship.

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