Man Sees A Stray Dog Walking Around With 30-Pound Chain & Padlock On Her Neck

A man in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, came across a stray dog roaming around with a massive chain and padlock combo around her neck.

Robert Rojas couldn’t believe his eyes and approached to help, and the dog was very friendly despite her sad situation.

Unfortunately, there are currently no laws in place that state a dog can’t be chained up without a collar or proper tether.

One Oklahoma lawmaker has decided to draft up a bill to punish this type of behavior in light of this situation.

“I was very surprised and alarmed to find how few laws there are on the books that address animal cruelty in Oklahoma,” Democratic state representative Mickey Dollens told KFOR after Robert Rojas had approached him about the matter.

“Never chain your dog, especially to a tree fence or pickup truck. The likelihood that they die from suffocation is increased and it’s just no way to treat a pet,” Dollens continued.

“I challenge people in the district, or in Oklahoma City, or surrounding areas, if you’re able to love and nurture an animal, go out there.”

We’re glad lawmakers are looking into finally making this right!

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