8 Awesome Easy-To-Make Homemade Dog Food Recipes Your Dog Will Love

8. And last but not least… check out this healthy and homemade Woof Loaf!

diy homemade dog food recipe 8


  • 1 pound lean ground turkey
  • 1/2 cup chopped carrots
  • 1/2 cup peas
  • 1/2 cup oats
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 hard-boiled eggs

For the full recipe and nutritional info, check out the original recipe at Pop Sugar.

Source: Pop Sugar

There you have it!! 8 Awesome DIY Homemade Dog Food Recipes Your Dog Will Love You For!! Now, take out your aprons, and go for it! Your dog will definitely love you more for it! and of course, keep 'em healthy and strong so that you can spend many more quality time with you for years to come!

As important as it is to know what to feed your dog, it's equally important (or even more critical) to know what NOT to feed your dog (even accidentally). Check out the 12 Human Foods That Could Kill Your Dog => http://www.pawbuzz.com/12-foods-that-could-kill-your-dog/

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