Abandoned Dog Seeks Shelter From A Storm, Finds Way More Than That!

Hurricanes and other natural disasters can be very scary for stray animals who don’t have a safe place to hide. When hurricane Irma was fast approaching in Florida, families were either evacuating or hunkering down for what started out as a Category 5 storm! Many folks left their pets behind or even abandoned them on the side of the road. It was truly a horror scene for any animal lover.

For homeless animals, living on the streets was already challenging. But a hurricane meant harsher weather with flying debris and flooding everywhere. Animals were easily spooked and ran away from home as well. It was hard to tell what animals on the street were homeless and which were actually strays.

One dog made her way into a neighborhood where a woman was preparing her home for Irma. She saw the dog roaming about and called her over. The dog came over with a smile.


The woman gave her food and water which she devoured. The woman could tell that this sweet dog had been on the streets for some time. She was matted, underweight, and filthy. As the woman got to know the dog quickly, she could see that she was something special. She even put her paw on her arm as if to say, “I’m finally okay now. Thanks.”


After a much-needed bath, the dog was let out in the backyard and she was elated! She ran around happily, picking up sticks and carrying them back to her savior. This dog had to be somebody’s pet, thought the woman. She was so friendly and happy!


The next day, the woman brought her to the vet to have her checked out and scanned for a microchip. No chip was found. So the kind woman posted info about the one-year-old Husky mix to social media. There was a good chance her family would be found and this sweet pup could go home.

Yea, she did have a family. Several in fact. And none were very kind to her. She had been passed around quite a bit until she ended up with a man who dumped her on the side of the road. That was four weeks earlier!

Thankfully, the dog wandered into the right neighborhood to find her soulmate woo-mom. The woman adopted her and named her Amaterasu, or ‘Amy’ for short.

Amy had a warm place to wait out the storm, alongside a human who would ALWAYS be there for her no matter what!


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