Army Soldier and His K-9 Companion Reunited After 4 Year Separation

When you’re in the military, it goes without saying that you develop a very special bond with your fellow soldiers.

Being away from your loved ones back home for long periods of time can be very difficult for many military men and women. Having other people around who are going through the same tough time can be the comfort they need to push through.

For many soldiers who work directly with military canines, their bonds become even closer. There’s a reason they call these animals “man’s best friend” and the following incredible story is amazing proof of how these relationships never fade away.

Back in 2011, U.S. Army Specialist Tyler Roberts was on deployment in Afghanistan alongside a Tactical Explosive Detection Dog named Donna. The duo went through thick and think together, working to detect and detonate dangerous explosives.

Sadly, when Roberts and Donna returned back to the U.S., she and other bomb-sniffing K-9s were adopted…and then this former military pup was abandoned at a kennel in Richmond, VA for 17 months. For four years, Roberts never stopped searching for Donna, who he believes he owes his life to.

Thankfully military organizations Mission K9 Rescue and the United States War Dog Association, were able to track down Donna and give her a much-deserved happy ending with Specialist Tyler Roberts.

Check out their heartwarming reunion in the video on the next page!

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