Hunter No Longer Wanted His Dog Because She Couldn’t Move Her Legs

Hunter No Longer Wanted His Dog Because She Couldn’t Move Her Legs

A hunter didn’t want their dog anymore because she was paralyzed and no longer served a purpose out in the fields.

She was taken in by Galgos del Sol Animal Rescue where they found she had inflammation in all of her nervous system, and they could tell she’d been this way for a while.

Despite how scary it must’ve been, Avellana was the sweetest and most cooperative dog. Rescuers put her on a plan of physical therapy and special exercises that would pay off in a big way.

Avellana was also taken outside in her stroller for mental stimulation. She met up with other dogs and was shown what life as a pet was supposed to be like…

After all the hard work, the first steps on her own were very emotional. Avellana let even more of her sweet personality shine through and became super active!

And then, a forever home where she’d run the beaches with her doggy siblings. 🙂

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