Dog With Separation Anxiety Racked Up $1,500 In Home Damages Trying To Get To Owner

Dogs with separation anxiety become very distressed when they are left alone or separated from their owner.

Clinical signs of separation anxiety include destructive chewing, excessive vocalization, salivation or licking, digging, trembling, vomiting or diarrhea. Many times dogs will destroy things in the house as they await the arrival of their owner.

Caters via Animal Channel

That’s exactly what four-year-old Bobbie did after his owner left for work. He scratched at the door constantly, chipping the paint away. He chewed the molding off the wall and shredded a cardboard box, leaving it, along with plastic, all over the floor.

Related: Does Your Dog Suffer From Separation Anxiety?

Bobbie’s owner, Tara Jameson, says that her older dog had recently passed away and she thinks Bobbie took it hard. Bobbie and the dog were very close and not having him to keep him company anymore was really hard for Bobbie. When Jameson left the house, it made his loneliness even worse.

Caters via Animal Channel

While Bobbie caused $1,500 worth of damage to their home, Jameson could not be mad at him. In fact, she felt awful for him. One day when she came home from work, she noticed that Bobbie had hurt himself due to being so stressed out.

Jameson explained that Bobbie had scratched his nails against the floor so much that they bled and the poor pup was soaking wet with sweat.

Caters via Animal Channel

If you suspect your dog has separation anxiety, speak with your vet about it to rule out any underlying health issues.

There are quite a few ways that may help you keep your pet calm while you’re out of the house. You could give your dog a special treat each time you leave that he only has when you’re not home. Leaving out your clothes with your scent may help soothe them as well. There are also many over-the-counter natural calming supplements to give your pup.

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