Boxer Shows Folks It’s Time To Step Up Their ‘Mannequin Challenge’ Game

The new social media craze is sweeping the internet. It’s being branded the new ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’

The Mannequin Challenge has become the “latest craze” to sweep the internet with former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Paul McCartney and even professional sportsmen joining in.

The rules are simple. Get a group together. Strike a pose. Then stay still as the camera weaves through a scene frozen in time — like walking through a picture.

We don’t exactly know why, but it all started around Halloween with these students at a Jacksonville high school, using the hashtag #MannequinChallenge.

Among all the #MannequinChallenge, one definitely stood out as of yet. It's by an adorable boxer dog!

Check out the video on the next page to see what some call “The Best Mannequin Challenge Yet” !! (plus the Mannequin Challenges by Paul McCartney, NBA’s Cleveland Cavaliers — in the White House, with the First Lady, etc.)

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