After Cancer Diagnosis, Man Chooses To Spend Final Days With Just His Dog Sailing Down Mississippi

There is nothing stronger than a bond between a man and his dog– and this story proves just that! Kelly Phillips, a 51-year-old Wisconsin native, knows too well that life isn’t simple and it surely isn’t forever.

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Phillips received a cancer diagnosis two years ago. It began in his sinuses. Phillips underwent chemotherapy but the side effects had left his stomach with severe ulcers that were impossible to live with. He decided to stop chemo and the doctors gave him several months to live.

At this time, Phillips was living in New Jersey where he owned several businesses with 53 employees. The idea of spending his remaining days in hospice care was not an option to Phillips. It was too depressing, too final.

So with the help of his brother, Phillips purchased a houseboat built in 1972, named “Shameless.” Phillips decided that spending his remaining days on his houseboat in Wisconsin sounded like a good way to go– but then a couple of months turned into six so he decided to make his way down The Mississippi River, on a final adventure.

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But Phillips wasn’t alone. He had his best friend with him– the special someone he chose to spend his remaining days with– his dog Sapphire.

With only $214 in his pocket, Phillips and Sapphire set sail. They arrived in Chester, Illinois on New Year’s Eve back in 2017. Phillips planned to leave the next day but Shameless got stuck in the frozen waters. He panicked. He eventually ran out of wood for his stove and his generator was out of gas!

“I was going to freeze to death,” Phillips said. He called the police for help and was connected to the perfect person. After the call, people came to help, bringing him gas, scrap wood, and food for Phillips and Sapphire.

Source: Youtube

But his challenges were far from over! The duo ran into another serious dilemma in Kentucky. His houseboat began to sink! Luckily, he met a tugboat captain who pulled him out of the water. This tugboat captain learned all about Phillips and his sidekick Sapphire. It was then he gave his word that where ever Phillips ends up, he will come to the boat and adopt Sapphire. She will have a forever home with the tugboat captain, no matter what.

Challenges continued to arise but people, with the kindest hearts, were eager to help the dying man and his loyal companion. When they reached Memphis, a family who found Sapphire after she briefly wandered off, offered to purchase a new engine and generator for Shameless. Phillips was deeply touched.

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Phillips has only one goal: To make it down the river, living his best days, with his most loyal friend by his side.

Source: Youtube

He knows Sapphire will be cared for after he’s no longer ‘here.’ And he knows he spent the rest of his life living it his way. It’s a comfort to him and an inspiration to so many he meets.

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