Cat owners everywhere are building ‘catios’ in their backyard. These photos prove the latest craze is real

8. The cat gazebo


Just look at this place! It looks like a beautiful gazebo tucked amongst the trees. But, alas, it's a luxurious catio. There's plenty of space to rest and relax back here, as well as climb and watch the wildlife.

9. The rainbow cabana


This colorful catio is surely one of a kind. They've decided to build this catio off to the side of their home to not obstruct the view out of the window. In doing so, they've created a little walkway from the window out to the catio that has plenty of space for the cats to get exercise, relax and have fun.

10. The hidden catio


From afar, you would never guess that pretty little gazebo-looking-thing was for a cat. We not only love the sleek design but how the garden grows up and around it. It's a great spot for the cat to get out in nature.

Obsessed with catio's now? Be sure to share this with your friends who will love it too!


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