Cats and dogs may have a reputation for not getting along, but that isn’t always true. Many people are able to successfully keep dogs and cats in the same house. Some peoples’ cats and dogs simply tolerate each other, but others quickly become best friends. Many cats and dogs end up spending most of their time together, playing with each other and protecting each other.
Cats and dogs can form strong bonds, and they show that bond by cuddling. Here are some adorable examples of cats and dogs who love curling up together!
These two animals may be sleepy, but they’re still watching what’s going on in their house.
We love how protective this dog is of his cat friend. These two animals have each other’s backs!
If you squint, you can see the black pup camouflaged on the chair. The cat clearly enjoys cuddling with his invisible friend.
This little puppy loves being the same size as his cat friend. The puppy and the cat are definitely going to be shocked when the puppy grows up and gets much bigger than his friend.
These two animals know that nap-time is always better when you share it with a friend.
This lucky dog has two different cats to nap with. Both cats love cuddling next to the fluffy pup.
This cat and dog are almost exactly the same size, making them the perfect cuddle buddies!
It’s clear that this yawning cat and his big dog friend love each other. Just look at how the pup pulls the tired cat closer to him to protect him while he’s sleeping!
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Arturo Lupian
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Natalie Cruz
Maria Lenzo
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So cute!
Ralph Clayton Ganter
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Our lab Reilly with our kitten Kirby
LaVerne M. Olson
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It all depends on when they met !!!!
Birgitta Prieto
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Sov gott Simon Prieto
Melissa Foti
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Bonnie Davison
Michelle McCabe
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Kaitlyn, this would be Muffin if Blitzy would let him
Lynda Brown
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So lovely
Angela Warren
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I used to have a Persian cat and a Borzoi who were best friends and slept like that unfortunately I had to have the borzoi put to sleep when she was 8 my cat spent many weeks walking around the house yelling looking for Squidge she was broken hearted.Katie became a loner and made herself a home in my downstairs cupboard so we converted it into her own little room she would only let me pick her up to groom her but other than that she just didn’t want to know.
Janet Marie Hudson
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The SLEEP YAWN though!!! Omg!❤️
Deborah Lord
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Cutest thing ever. My boxer and cat used to curl up on my bed together.
David Maus
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Edyta photoshop
Khải My
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Tình bạn không phân biệt chủng loài!
Judith Callbutt
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Pamela Craven
Candice Shagonabe
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April Huff Brood, he looks like Rexy
Elisa Flash
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So true!
Annie Armandias
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Sweetest x
Marion Dunlop
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Yes this is how Animals live together…it’s Humans that are evil….
Peggi Flanagan
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Besties for life!
Robinator Hobbs
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Monica Miller
Edyta Monika
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Lorraine Cross
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True love
Sue Dryden
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Kaylee Bain
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Some are not all humans I’m not evil
Kaylee Bain
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Unless you mess with my dog lol