Ruthless Kids Doused Puppy In Chemicals That Seeped In Burning His Flesh

A sweet and innocent puppy was found in the trash, still alive, with painful wounds all over his tiny body.

When he was brought to the doctor, the medical staff realized someone had doused him with chemicals purposely and then threw him out like garbage.

Who would do this to any animal?

Source: Dog Rescue/Youtube

The chemicals were so harsh that they burned his fur off. In some spots, he even had gaping wounds.

This poor little guy could easily die from infection. Thankfully, he will not be alone in his fight to recover.

Source: Dog Rescue/Youtube

The vet, who volunteers her time, wrapped his wounds carefully. As you can see, the burns cover most of his body.

The puppy is given antibiotics to treat any imposing infection and medicine for pain. He will not suffer, not ever again!

Source: Dog Rescue/Youtube

It takes some time for the little one to feel better but soon he is up and running about. Look at those tail wags! His wounds are healing nicely too!

Source: Dog Rescue/Youtube

The best news comes when a woman steps forward and wants to bring him home. He’s finally well enough to leave the hospital and go to his forever home.

We are so sad that the puppy had to go through so much but elated that he is now in loving arms for the rest of his life.

Source: Dog Rescue/Youtube

Please, if you ever witness animal cruelty or neglect, report it immediately. No animal should ever suffer. They deserve love and kindness.

Remember, animals cannot help themselves– we must be their voices! To see the puppies rescue and recovery, click play below.

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