Clover the Samoyed was on a walk around the neighborhood with her owner Haley Moore, when a sudden crisis caused the dog to panic. Haley had suffered a seizure right there and collapsed on the roadside by a pile of snow.
With no pedestrian nearby, Clover was left to her own devices as she scrambled to find a way to save her owner.
Source: Inside Edition/YouTube
Clover anxiously hovered around Haley’s lifeless body for a while, before ultimately realizing she had to get external help. Just then, a car drove past her, and that gave her an idea – she was going to halt the traffic!
She walked up to position herself in the center of the road and tried her best to attract attention toward Haley’s predicament.
Source: Inside Edition/YouTube
Thanks to Clover’s quick thinking and determination, a motorist named Dryden Oatway stopped his car to look into the situation.
Dryden spotted Haley lying out on the roadside and immediately called for help. Within minutes, the woman received the crucial medical care that saved her life!
Source: Inside Edition/YouTube
Clover’s heroic act was later retrieved from a nearby security camera, and everyone who watched it was left in awe of her lifesaving instincts!
Haley says she feels incredibly lucky and grateful to have such a loyal and protective furry companion looking out for her every day!
Click the video below to watch Clover halting the traffic to save the life of her seizuring owner.
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