Depressed Pit bull Refuses to Move for Days Until 7-Year-Old Boy Arrives

This terrified depressed Pit bull named Nala was rescued from the streets of New Zealand and brought to a shelter.

Abbie Van Der Plax, the shelter's owner spent two days sitting on the floor trying to gain her trust.

She spent hours trying to coax the distressed dog out from the corner but she would just tremble and growl.

But then, when her 7-year-old son, Zach, joined her side the dog's personality totally changed.

Nala's separation distress issue is slowly getting better. She still has some weight to gain but adores the company of kids over adults and she loves being by the boy's side.

She spends the night between her two sons' beds.

Abbie says that her gut tells her that wherever Nola came from, there must have been a child there who made her feel safe.

The family will continue to foster Nola while she deals with her anxiety issues and will be eventually available for adoption.

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