Dog adopts an orphaned baby monkey after locals poisoned her mother

Dog adopts an orphaned baby monkey after locals poisoned her mother

It’s always shocking how cruel people can be towards animals. But for every story of animals being mistreated by humans, there’s an inspiring one of animals opening their hearts to other animals.

It seems that dogs possess a compassion that many humans lack. That’s what one story shows: after locals killed a poor animal, a dog stepped up to mother her orphaned child.

The story comes from Prakash Badal, a photographer who recently visited Himachal Pradesh in northern India. He says that locals killed a monkey with poison because it was destroying their crops.

Sadly the monkey had a 10-day-old infant, who was now left motherless. But an unlikely guardian stepped up to “adopt” her:

Prakash Badal

A local dog took the baby monkey under her wing. Prakash found the two very different animals in an unlikely bond, holding each other close.

“I felt that when a mother saw a baby who is very small and left alone and there is nobody to take care of him, the maternal instinct took the initiative to adopt a small baby even if it’s from different species,” he told Daily Mail.

It’s a beautiful love that transcends so many barriers… something the photographer says humans can learn from.

“This type of relationship is a lesson for humans who have become selfish and kill each other just because he is from another cast or religion,” Prakash said.

Bless this dog for being so compassionate after people made this poor monkey an orphan. Share this beautiful story!

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